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SKE48 Mass Graduation

Note : j’ai édité certains passages/rajouté une couche de texte et inclus le post G+ du manager de SKE. Laisser passer une nuit fait du bien pour la réflexion : )

SKE48 Mass Graduation

Okay… C’est pas un café qu’il me faut là, c’est autre chose. Il a faillit m’en tomber des mains d’ailleurs quand j’ai vu la nouvelle orz

9 Members of SKE48 Graduate – Natalie Report

The graduation of 8 SKE48 members, Kuwabara Mizuki, Takada Shiori, Hiramatsu Kanako (Team S), Akaeda Ririna, Ogiso Shiori (Team KII), Ueno Kasumi, Hara Minami (Team E), Kobayashi Emiri (KKS) have been announced.

This was brought to light today, January 15th at the SKE48 Theater in Aichi during the performance of SKE48 Team KII “Lamune no Nomikata”. These 8 members, including Yagami Kumi (Team S) who has announced her graduation beforehand have participated in the c/w song of SKE48’s new single “Choco no Dorei” to be released on January 30th. At today’s performance, after the PV of the said song was shown, Yuasa Hiroshi, the theater manager announced the graduation of the members.

The members who announced their graduations have been consulting about graduation since last year’s summer. The theater manager Yuasa said “Their activities at SKE48 is no more than a checkpoint in their lives. We are sad to see even one of them go but, I didn’t want to stop them from living their lives. After I consulted with Akimoto (Yasushi) Sensei about the best thing to do, we came up with the idea that they should sing a song since we’re all a team, so it was decided that the graduating members will sing a song written by Akimoto Sensei”, explaining the circumstances and about the coupling song.

The graduation date of the 9 members including Yagami is planned to be around springtime.

Note : j’ai viré les commentaires des membres de ce post parce que incomplets. Version complète au fond histoire que je les ai accessibles.

Yagami Kumi, on savait. Au moins elle nous l’a bien rappelé alors que certains fans espéraient qu’elle revienne sur sa décision…

Kuwabara Mizuki? Ehh??? Perso je tenais pas vraiment à ce qu’elle parte. Elle est stricte, voire même dure avec les KKS au niveau des leçons, mais essentielle. En lisant ce qu’elle dit ici, plus son blog et le message de Yuasa Hiroshi (manager de SKE48) on comprend beaucoup mieux les “limitations” qu’être dans un idol group impose aussi. Elle sera fort probablement particulièrement manquée, mais je comprends et respecte sa décision.

Takada Shiori, celle dont j’avais du mal à me souvenir son nom… Je me souvenais de toute la team S sauf elle, bien que je la trouvais à chaque fois adorable ^^;

Hiramatsu Kanako, Mokyu mokyu? Je la voyais partir elle par contre. Et son commentaire est juste

Akaeda Ririna, Team KII donc je connais moins.

Ogiso Shiori o_O Je ne l’aime pas particulièrement, mais je pensais pas à elle. J’avais l’impression qu’elle recevait comme un push récemment, d’où que ça m’a étonné.

Ueno Kasumi, Team E donc je connais encore moins. (Je suis très Team S.)

Hara Minami, idem.

Kobayashi Emiri, KKS, donc encore moins bien que son nom me parle. Et quand on lit son commentaire, on comprend bien ses raisons.

Team S : -4
Team KII : -2
Team E : -2
KKS : -1

Waouh. Raté pour mon souhait qu’il ne s’agisse que d’une rumeur. J’espère que c’est tout pour quelques temps parce que je veux pas voir Oya Masana partir de sitôt, même si elle a 22 ans (Jesus que ça? parfois elle en fait plus). En parlant d’âge, j’aurais pas été étonné par Satou Mieko, 26 ans. Deguchi Aki (24) reste encore, youpi : )

Et du coup on comprend aussi pourquoi la dernière piste du single n’était pas révélée vu que c’est une chanson avec ces neufs là. Sûr que si on l’avait su on se serait posé des questions…

Et avec tout ce vide dans quelques mois… ou ils en profitent pour faire un shuffle, ou il y a mass promotion des KKS 5th gen. Marrant, y’a quelques temps, certains se disaient qu’avec l’arrivée des 6th gen, y’en avait un peu trop… Ben ça explique. Oh, et Kitarie qui est sans Team va donc certainement atterrir dans la Team S.


Une nuit fait du bien pour se poser et revoir les choses… ***48 n’est pas une finalité en soit, juste une étape, quelque chose qui leur donne diverses expériences et permettent à certaines de se rapprocher de leurs rêves, justement par rapport à ces expériences et aussi grâce aux contacts qu’elles peuvent établir. Les membres ne sont pas éternels…

C’est assez dur quand même, parce que 2012 avait été relativement calme niveau sotsugyou du côté de SKE. En comptant les KKS, il y en a eu seulement 6. Une misère si on compare avec NMB où ça avait défilé : 13! Dont 5 en même temps d’une même Team! (bon y’a eu un scandale ou un truc dans le genre je crois, je suivais pas à ce moment là et je suis pas NMB en général). Mais quand même.

Ca doit être encore plus dur pour certains membres car en plus de 4 ans, forcément que des liens se forment. C’est aussi pour ça que je suis content que Oya Masana et Satou Mieko restent encore. Elles sont à leur manière aussi des piliers de SKE et (obligé que j’y vienne) et un soutient pour Jurina. Qui perd elle aussi (et les autres aussi hein, je ne les oublie pas) le quart de sa Team. Et pas des moindres. Dans une période où… erf. Un article pas très réjouissant sur sa santé avait fait mention des sotsugyou repoussées. Donc si ça c’était vrai, forcément ça met le doute sur le reste, bien qu’on ne le veuille pas. Et bien qu’aussi elle a quand même l’air d’aller mieux récemment, car fin novembre elle avait vraiment une tête à faire peur. Et on a l’impression qu’ils l’économisent en ce moment aussi, du moins sur les kouen, le reste après, on sait pas.

Parce que ne pas se nourrir convenablement et maigrir à une vitesse folle n’est absolument pas bon pour elle entre sa supposée condition médicale, le fait qu’elle soit toujours en période de croissance et son travail d’idole, cumulé à ses études… Mais bizarrement, je peux comprendre certains aspects de ses “choix”… Je veux dire… je serais à sa place, je ressentirais une frustration pas possible. Parce que ça fait plus de 4 ans qu’elle est là, qu’elle se donne à fond, jusqu’à s’épuiser, jusqu’à l’effondrement, qu’elle représente SKE, qu’elle est aussi une figure clé de AKB, et elle est bloquée. Par son âge. Alors qu’en plus elle fait bien plus que certaines qui ont 18+. Alors forcément elle veut grandir plus vite… mais eh, elle n’a toujours que 15 ans, alors elle ne fait pas toujours les bons choix. Et c’est aussi pour ça qu’on en veut au management soit dit en passant…

Enfin bon, j’ai dérivé, comme d’habitude. Je veux juste rajouter que je suis quand même content que ces sotsugyou aient été repoussées, parce que les filles ont du coup pu participer au Kouhaku. Ca avait été leur but dès la formation de SKE : y participer en tant que SKE48. Et c’est une sacrée reconnaissance.


***48 est un fandom où on sait jamais ce qui va nous tomber dessus.
Parfois dur, mais c’est aussi ce qui en fait l’intérêt.


The graduating members’ comments in full.



I, Kuwabara Mizuki, am graduating from SKE48. To fulfill my dreams I came here, and continued walking with SKE48 as a first generation member. And “now” is the time when I stand straight, and self-confidently take off. In these (approximately) 5 years, I had good experiences and bad experiences, and from that it gives me the strength to step up. Thanks for everything up till now. It was fun!



Takada Shiori is graduating from SKE48. In SKE48 I received countless invaluable experiences. There are loads of memories that I will never forget no matter how old I get. After entering SKE48, I was able to meet a new and unknown self. To fulfill my dreams from now on, I will do my very best. Also, in the remaining time that I have left together with the other SKE48 members, as a first generation member I will do my very best. Everyone, I’m really happy for your kind support.


私、平松可奈子はSKE48を卒業します。1期生として研究生からスタートして、昇格や選抜、けがなどうれしいことや悲しいこと悔しいこと…たくさんの経験をさせてもらいました。骨折をして5年目を迎えて自分の将来について考えたときに卒業しようと決意しました。アイドルとしての夢は終わりますが、平松可奈子としての夢はまだまだ続きます! たくさんの愛情をありがとうございました。残りわずかですが、今度は私から皆さんにたくさんのありがとうを届けたいです! 最後まで応援よろしくおねがいします

I, Hiramatsu Kanako, am graduating from SKE48. Starting as a first generation kenkyuusei, to promotion and senbatsu, injury etc happy things, sad things and regretful things… I received many experiences. After my fracture, I thought about my future as I approached the 5th anniversary and decided to graduate. Although my dream to be an idol has ended, there are still many dreams that continue for Hiramatsu Kanako! Thank you very much for the lots of love that I received. Although it’s in the remaining time that I have left, this time, I would like to be able to tell everyone thank you. Please take care of me up till the end.



Again, I, Yagami Kumi, although I announced it on 1st November, am announcing my graduation from SKE48. I would like to see and experience various other sides of the world apart from the entertainment circle, so I decided to gradutate. It’s a decision that I made to be able to develop myself, grow more and become an adult. So that I will not waste all of the experiences that I’ve had up until now, I would like to try my best from now on too.


私、赤枝里々奈はSKE48を卒業します。中学1年生で入った私ももうすぐ高校2年生です。最近、自分の将来についてよく考えるようになりました。たくさん考えて卒業としようと決めました。4年間、つらかったこと、楽しかったこと、うれしかったこと、たくさんありました! 悔いはありません! 残りの時間で皆さんにたくさんの笑顔をお届けしたいです! 最後まで応援よろしくお願いします!

I, Akaeda Ririna, am graduating from SKE48. I, who entered when I was a first year student in middle school am now almost a 2nd year high school student. Recently, I have started thinking a lot about my future. After thinking a lot about it, I decided to graduate. In these 4 years, whether tough things, fun things, or happy things, there were lots of them! I don’t regret anything! In my remaining time I would like to send everyone lots of smiles! Please continue to support me to the end!



I, Ogiso Shiori, am graduating from SKE48. Now that I’ve reached the milestone of 20 years, I thought that I want to gain a bigger perspective and so I decided to graduate. Thinking about the time that I spent with SKE48 now, I had a very enriching time and in that time there were many important people whom I met. With all of the thankful feelings for the people who continued supporting me up until now, I think I want to cherish all of the time that I have with SKE48 till graduation and have fun.



I, Ueno Kasumi, am graduating from SKE48. As a third year middle school student I became a member of SKE48 as the third generation, and in the blink of an eye, I’m now in my third year of high school. I’ve always wanted to advance my studies. I have decided to concentrate on my studies. There are lots of things that I learned after entering SKE48. There were thing that I got and things that I lost. Dance is hard for me and so is expressing my feelings, so thank you very much to everyone who has kindly supported someone like me!



I, Hara Minami am graduating from SKE48. I, who started as a 14 year old 4th generation member am now grown and turned 17 years old, and whether being promoted or senbatsu, or the theater over the years there were countless valuable experiences that I received along the way. That is why, to tie all of these experiences together, and to fulfill the large dreams that I have now, I have decided to graduate from SKE48. Whether it’s the time that I spent here, or the memories that I have with everyone, or the members whom I love, or SKE48 who kindly allowed me to develop, I will never forget all of it. In the remaining time, please continue to take care of and support Hara Minami.



I, Kobayashi Emiri, am graduating from SKE48. After I came to face my father’s passing away, I thought about various things for my future and decided to graduate. Up until now in the activities that I had with the SKE48 members, in the lots of fun and happy things, there was an equal amount of tough and painful things. Even so, including everything, to me, that I was a member of SKE48 is something that I will be proud of for the rest of my life. I will continue to use the things that I learned in SKE48 in my life from now on. In the time that I’m spending with everyone until graduation, please continue to support me until the end.

Graduations announcement.

Today, 9 SKE48 members (Kuwabara Mizuki, Takada Shiori, Hiramatsu Kanako, Yagami Kumi, Akaeda Ririna, Ogiso Shiori, Ueno Kazumi, Kobayashi Emiri) announced their graduations in front of fans after the stage had ended.

I’ve been informed of their intention to graduate and discussed the matter with them since around last summer. I believe that as each of them have things they yearn on doing, but they also wished to remain SKE48, so they struggled with conflicting feelings.

Talks went until late at night, tears were shed , many topics were discussed. Being already older than the members’ parents , somehow, those were like family talks. There is of course a good part of an idol activities in relation to which family members can give their support to the girls, but there is also a sizeable part of problem related those activities, that parents would be clueless about. I really felt as if I was their father. Perceiving members like if they were my own daughters, I wanted to answer their expectations and see them reach for the opportunities they desired. But we don’t live in such a simple world where all members can possibly see what they wish for become reality.

Live up to fans expectations and repay them for their support, to enter senbatsu, stand on stage, becoming an actress, becoming a seiyuu, going to College, studying abroad… Young girls have an infinity of dreams.

However, it’s with pleasure that I’ve received the assurance that as they took their decision, members were gald that they entered SKE48 and could work as part of the group, that even now they loved the theater and their work.

As I interact everyday with a large number of members, I’ve come to understand that everyone has something different gnawing them. But when you’re working as a group, those preoccupations become one. Witnessing it from close, I realized what a wonderful thing it was. To always engage in the battle with all your might if you were only one.

Right after Kouhaku performance, Kuwabara asked me “Yuasa-san, do you remember? The day of the opening of the theater (October 2010), during the meeting after our first stage Yuasa-san told us ?Let’s make it so that someday SKE48 performs independently in Kouhaku Utagassen?. It finally happened, didn’t it?” Kuwabara cried. All the members were the same, deeply moved , kindling. It’s thanks to SKE48 members’ power if I was able to show them the way to Kouhaku. Of course, words exchanged on this evening were considerably colored of gratitude directed at fans whose constant support had made it all possible.

Until now, together we have earned Oricon’s top ranking, we have performed outside the boundaries Nagoya, we have open a new theater, but we’ve reached a forking.

From here, members who will continue their activities with SKE48 and members who are graduating will part ways, but everyone will continue on the road toward their dreams. As much as it’ll be possible for me, I want to ascertain that members will be able to go forth following the road they picked for themselves. And I’m expecting members who remained to show their tenacity to keep leading SKE48 forward. For me too who have been entrusted with looking after SKE48 since its formation, delivering this information to fans proved to be a painful ordeal.

Today before the announcement members came to me ?Yuasa-san is probably the most nervous of us all.??Please be your usual self.?. Their words made it possible for me to carry out my mission without showing weakness.

I hope you’ll keep supporting the graduating members until the day of their graduation.

Last, I want to thank Akimoto-sensei from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to write here my feelings regarding graduations in case.

From now on too, please keep supporting SKE48.

SKE48 Theater Manager – Yuasa Hiroshi –

PITA pour retrouver les sources, j’ai du scroller un temps pas possible >_<

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